CIA Officer Craig Peters Osth

CIA Officer Craig Peters Osth has been revealed to be the Chief of Station in Islamabad, Pakistan. He has also been the COS of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.
U.S Cable of him attending a meeting in Brazil.
In 1974, he operated in Madrid, Spain.
Source Sends Further-
> Pakistani political party nominates/names CIA station chief in Islamabad “Craig Osth” and John Brennan in police report for being culprits of drone attack in Hangu, Pakistan
> The name of the station chief has been revealed as Craig Osth, whose name is identical to one Craig Peters Osth, who was head of the CIA station in Brazil back in 1999. His name was leaked by the magazine Carta Capital which covered a story related to uncovering involvement of CIA officials bugging the telephones of then President Fernando Enrique Cardoso.
> Furthermore, according to the US Congressional Record of the 110th Congress (2007-08), Craig Peters Osth has been listed among the nominees to be “Consular Officers and Secretaries in the Diplomatic Service of the United States of America”. It is mentioned he hails from Virginia.
> A search result showed there is only one individual named ‘Craig P. Osth’ who is resident of 11641 Charter Oak Ct, Apartment 30, Reston,VA-20190.
[Ref: http://www.
> He is an alumnus (Class Year: 1973) of the Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia.
> Electronic Telegram Document # 1974STATE219742 dated 4 October 1974 from US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger to American Embassy in Madrid, Spain, mentioning that Craig Peters Osth lived at Address: Calle M Valdes, 63-3, Madrid 15. Osth wrote to his parents that he did not receive package of medicine which he requested for earlier via mail.
Similar to above: Electronic Telegram Document # 1974MADRID06305 from American Embassy Madrid (Spain), dated 7 October 1974 [Ref:
Source Sends – Craig Peters Osth was listed as the U.S Embassy Regional Affairs officer in Bogota, Columbia in 2004. He may have been the CIA Chief of Station.
Source Sends – Craig Peters Osth was also stationed in Naples and Rome, Italy in 2010.
Source Sends – Updated 11-28-2013
Son of Robert Edward OSTH who died in 2008.
Mother is Elizabeth (HOLMES) OSTH.
Older sister is Jaquelin (OSTH) NUILA.
Brother is Robert Powers OSTH.
OSTH appears to have grown up in Berryville, Virginia, born into a family with hawkish views against the perceived enemies of his country (
On communism –
On Civil Rights –
Considering his father’s military background and his mothers apparent political activity, it is not surprising OSTH entered the military after graduating from Hampden-Sydney College in 1973.
Curious as to what he was exporting from Colombia in the mid-2000s:
An archived clip from OSTH’s alma-matter newsletter shows us the composition of his family after marriage:
Wife – Isabel Durand OSTH:
Son – Victor OSTH:
Daughter – Laura OSTH: Unknown
It’s likely that his job led to the marriage’s dissolution as can be read about in an letter penned by Isabel OSTH:
Photo of Isabel is here:
In 2009, OSTH’s anti-communist mother shared some wealth and granted her property to her son:
Jorge NUILA is originally from Guatemala and appears to have been with Jaquelin since the early 70’s:
Jaquelin OSTH NUILA:
Jaquelin also appears to have been in the military and uses aliases on Facebook:
Second Facebook page is:
Her children have followed the family tradition and also entered the Armed Forces. Son Sean is a Lt. Cmdr. in Norfold, VA and is in a relationship with a Colombian woman.
Brother Robert Powers OSTH is no longer who he once was. Up until the late 70’s, I am unsure of what he was up to. But in 1979, he got involved in making movies and acted in a cult horror movie called “Dont Go In the House” (
So who is Robert Carnegie?
Only a famous Hollywood acting coach and likely great asset to the CIA’s school of spooks:
How can we be sure this is truly Craig Osth’s brother? Because he’s Facebook (
I wonder what Mama Betsy thinks of this considering Hollywood’s ties to the big red menace?
Cryptocomb welcomes his photo.